TMF Certification
About the Texas Master Florist® Program
The Texas State Florists’ Association (TSFA) is proud to offer one of the most comprehensive educational programs in the floral industry — the Texas Master Florist (TMF) program. Developed to benefit all floral professionals, from sales staff to designers and shop owners, the TMF program provides a standard of professional excellence recognized throughout the industry. It includes three segments: design production, design management and professional florist certification.

Become a Texas Master Florist
Three to five years of floral experience is recommended. Including the application fee, seven online classes, three hands-on sessions and an in-person exam, members pay just $2,420 for this program, which reflects a savings of $490 off the non-member rate! Annual membership in TSFA is required to obtain and maintain the TMF designation.
Earning this credential may qualify you for application to the American Institute of Floral Design’s Certified Floral Designer exam. Learn more about TMF certification below.
Have you been accepted into the Texas Master Florist program? Access the online learning modules using the button below.